Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Benchmark corpus - Health - Home Care

Functional Description MobileRGBD is corpus dedicated to low level RGB-D algorithms benchmarking on mobile platform. We reversed the usual corpus recording paradigm. Our goal is to facilitate ground truth annotation and reproducibility of records among speed, trajectory and environmental variations. As we want to get rid of unpredictable human moves, we used dummies in order to play static users in the environment (see figure). Interest of dummies resides in the fact that they do not move between two recordings. It is possible to record the same robot move in order to evaluate performance of detection algorithms varying speed. This benchmark corpus is intended for «low level» RGB-D algorithm family like 3D-SLAM, body/skeleton tracking or face tracking using a mobile robot. Using this open corpus, researchers can find a way to answer several questions: System performance under variations in operating conditions? on a mobile robot, what is the maximum linear/angular speed supported by the algorithm? which variables impact the algorithm? evaluate suitable height/angle of the mounted RGB-D sensor to reach goals: monitoring everyday live is different from searching fallen persons on the floor; finally, what is the performance on an algorithm with regards to others?